Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Playdate Birthday Party

After I picked up Lexie at school, we went to Joshua's birthday party. Laura (Joshua's mom) went all out as usual. Yummy food, super decorations and fun for everyone. The kids and I had so much fun that I didn't take any photos. I know that is not like me.
We went to the store and for the first time, I told Alexis to go pick out 3 things that Joshua would like for a present. She picked out a pink Matchbox car (she was certain that Joshua would like the pink one), a dinosaur toy and play-doh. I was really impressed with her picks. Part of me thought she would pick out girlie toys but she went straight to the boy aisle.
We had such a busy morning, I was just exhausted by the afternoon. I was ready for a nap for sure but had to work while the girls napped. That's just not fair.

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