Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I'm a Blogger Slacker

I know, I know...I have been slacking off on my blog.  The honest truth is all of my free time has been spent studying and taking tests.  I have my midterm exam tomorrow.  It is 2 hours long and timed.  I am nervous because so much of my grade is based on the midterm and final exams (50% of my grade).  I have to admit, I have read so much in the past week that I don't even want to look at my book anymore.  I have lost all interest in reading for the time being. 

I needed to take a little break from studying and since Izzie is napping I figured I would upload some pics and update this blog for you all.  Speaking of Izzie.  She has been drooling profusely the last two days.  When I went to put baby Orajel on her teeth last night, I noticed her 1 year molars are coming in.  I guess that explains why she has been fussier than normal.

Alexis has been really patient with me during this last week.  I found a way to balance my studying with my children.  I will sit on Alexis bed and watch the girls play together with one eye while my other eye reads my textbook.  It works well.  Sometimes I will even read out loud. It is boring subject matter to a 4 year old and 1 year old as they could care less what the hypothalamus in the brain does.  On the other hand, there are times I choose not to read out loud such as the last chapter I read which was on sexual orientation, arousal and sexual dysfunction.  Subject matter I do not wish to explain to my children at this time.  For those of you scratching your head wondering what in the world I am studying, I am taking an Intro Psychology class.  It is not very exciting since it's just an Intro class.  It would be fun to take a specialized Psych class in the future such as Abnormal Psychology.

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