Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Kids Say The Darnest Things

Here are a couple pictures of Alexis putting one of Izzie's diapers on her baby doll.  I was so impressed she knew exactly what to do without any help.

Now onto the funny story...

Alexis suddenly said her ear hurt and it went from it hurting to being unbearable.  She was crying, pulling on her ear and saying it feels like water is in her ear.  (No, this is not the funny part.  Keep reading...)  Her Pediatrician office of course could not see her until tomorrow.  Waiting until tomorrow while my child is in pain is not an option.  I took her to Reddy Urgent Care which is slowly becoming our regular doctor office at this point.  I took Izzie there 2 weeks ago and this will be Alexis' 2nd visit in a month.  When we were called back into the exam room, the Dr saw her and said, "Your back, I just saw you a couple weeks ago!"  Let me back up a little bit to tell you the funny part of the story.  The nurse calls us back.  She is a really friendly, nice lady who happens to have a space between her 2 front teeth.  Alexis looks at her and says, "You loose your teeth?"  The nurse replied, "No, I was born with a space between my teeth."  So Alexis naturally corrects her (because she knows everything) and says, "No, you lost your teeth right there."  All while I am standing there mortified.  The nurse was sweet and laughed about it.  All I could say to Alexis was that everyone is different.  I was totally unprepared.

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