Monday, March 9, 2009

From Snow to 84 degrees

To think a week ago we had about 5 inches of snow and today it got up to 84 degrees in Athens.  I took these pictures of Isabelle this morning playing with the toy windmill.  Alexis has been in her room resting for most of the day...aka quarantine.  He has a bad cold with a bad cough.  We are going on vacation on friday to Charleston and I am doing everything in my power to prevent the rest of us from getting sick.  I feel so bad for her because I know how horrible she feels and I know there is not much I can do.  I called the Dr office today and they said it's good she has a productive cough.  Unfortunately, it's a virus so we just have to wait it out.  The cough was hurting her stomach muscles it was such a violent cough so they recommended Delsum.  We shall see but I really hope it helps reduce her cough so she can rest.  I am blaming it on the drastic weather changes or I guess it could've been the Chik-fil-a play area.  Oh well...what can ya do?

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