Saturday, October 16, 2010

Running Of The Dawgs

We went to the Running Of The Dawgs which is before the GA Bulldog game. Dane took his Dad to the football game and the girls and I left after the pre-game. The girls and I walked through half of Athens to get back to our the way the worst parking spot ever! I managed to loose my cell phone along our extremely long walk. Unable to retrace my steps, I figured my cell phone, my contacts, my calendar and the rest of my memory was lost. I called Verizon immediately to suspend my account assuming someone would find my phone and rack up a bill. After a few very long moments of panic, Dane got a call from a woman who found my phone in the grass. She called the phone# labeled as 'Husband' in my phone. I couldn't believe it! It just goes to show there are still honest people out there!!

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