On Sunday, we had a picnic and hike at Watson Mill Bridge State Park in Comer, GA. The drive was nice and close. It was about 30 minutes from where we live. The weather was beautiful and sunny. It still gets to the low 80s during the day. We had a nice picnic near the waterfall and covered bridge.
After lunch, we took a nice hike on a wooded trail that was a 2.5 mile loop. Alexis walked the whole way, while Isabelle hung out and napped in the backpack carrier. Alexis and Daddy found some vines to swing on. We called Alexis, "Tarzan" as she swung around. The trail had numerous walking bridges. Some bridges were covered and some uncovered. We saw a beaver dam but the beaver dodged out of sight probably from seeing that we were coming to investigate his living quarters. Alexis was proud to have found so many acorns. (One even managed to make it home in the laundry) There were a few steep hills that really worked my thighs but Alexis was a little trooper. The trees kept the trail nice and shaded. We also brought our dog, Marlin who loved every minute of our hike. He even helped pull us up the hills when we started to get tired. We had a great time together as a family. A perfect way to spend a Sunday afternoon.
p.s. The girls had matching shirts that Alexis decided they should wear that day. The t-shirts are from Hawaii and have a little hula girl on them. The t-shirts also say, "Here Comes Trouble". Alexis thought that was hilarious.
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