Sunday, October 31, 2010

Boo...It's Halloween!!

Alexis dressed up as a dinosaur/dragon (you be the judge) & Isabelle dressed up as Minnie Mouse. Matthew went Trick 'o Treating with us and Dane dressed him up in a bunch of camoflage. It was that or a Princess dress. I think Matthew went for a Swamp Man look. He hid in a pile of leaves outside and totally scared me when I came out the front door.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Relaxing To The GA Game

Go DAWGS!!! Marlin fell asleep to the football game! Our nephew, Matthew hung out with us and slept over. Dane and Matthew went "Backyard Wagon Sledding" in the backyard. They took the sides off the wagon and went down the back hill. When you don't have snow to play in, you have to be creative in the south.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

New Baby!

My friend, Julee had a gorgeous baby girl, Amelia Clara! We are so excited!!! Alexis and Isabelle both asked for a baby sister. Sorry girls...this is as close to a baby sister as we will get.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Cute Little Bulldogs!

Running Of The Dawgs

We went to the Running Of The Dawgs which is before the GA Bulldog game. Dane took his Dad to the football game and the girls and I left after the pre-game. The girls and I walked through half of Athens to get back to our the way the worst parking spot ever! I managed to loose my cell phone along our extremely long walk. Unable to retrace my steps, I figured my cell phone, my contacts, my calendar and the rest of my memory was lost. I called Verizon immediately to suspend my account assuming someone would find my phone and rack up a bill. After a few very long moments of panic, Dane got a call from a woman who found my phone in the grass. She called the phone# labeled as 'Husband' in my phone. I couldn't believe it! It just goes to show there are still honest people out there!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

Face Painting

SJS Annual Fall Festival

The 4 Room Moms of the 2 Kindergarten classes made the Fishing Booth for the Fall Festival. The kids had so much fun! Face paining, the dunk booth had the Principal in it, jumping castle, tons of booths and prizes and food. It was another success and we look forward to the Festival again next year.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

'The Playground I've Never Been'

We went to Chase Street Playground for the second time and it has since been dubbed as 'The Playground I've Never Been' by Alexis. This is one of the girls favorite playgrounds but because it is an Elementary School and has after school programs and summer school at this location the playground is not always available to be used by the public. We try to make this one of our weekend playgrounds. My favorite was the seesaw.

Homemade Teepee