Funny story, the other day, Dane and the kids went shopping for my birthday present. Alexis came home and said, "Mom, we forgot about your birthday and we didn't get you a mug."
I guess that was her way of keeping a secret.
This morning, I woke up to a large ceramic Starbucks travel mug with drawing and writing all over it. The girls wrote I love U and their names on the mug. I love it and needed a new travel mug. It was the perfect gift! Dane also surprised me with the Eclipse soundtrack. Love the music from all of the Twilight movies...so I digress...we all know I am a "Twi-Heart Fan". I will always be Team Edward no matter how muscular and hunky Jacob is. ;-) He (Dane not Edward) is always so thoughtful and got extra kudos this year for making my b-day extra special.
We spent the day and overnight in Atlanta for my birthday. Went to Atlantic Station, ate a lot, had so much fun we never made it to the High Art Museum so we will save that for next time. Thanks Dane, Lexie,
Izzie, Dana, Mom (Sheila) and Roman for a birthday to remember!!

Someone once said, "You are only as old as you feel!" I feel about 25, so that is the age I will be...maybe forever. In actuality, I know I should be proud to turn 20-10, but lets face it, no matter how proud people will tell you they are of their age, they are lying. We all wish to hang onto those golden 20's. So I will accept my fate as being 30, I'll try it on for a year and in the meantime I will rock it well. I will continue to be excited during those few times a year that I get carded, I will continue on my mission to stay as far away from being a "frumpy mom" as possible. So hears to turning 30...CHEERS!!!