Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Last Day of Gymnastics

Alexis and her friend Jade

Enjoying a tasty treat from Baskin Robbins. Mmm...chocolate!

No more least until the fall. Both girls will be in Gymnastics again next year. They both love it and they both seem naturally good at it too. It will be fun to start seeing their progress and growth within the sport. Who knows they could be at the Olympics in 2020!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Kara's Birthday Party

My friend, Kara turned the big 4-0. I am sure she loves that I am announcing her age. She doesn't look a year past 30 though. She should be proud she has stayed so youthful. You go Girl!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Ciao Michaela and Christina!!

Michaela and CristiMichaela holding Karen's baby. Doesn't she look like a I mean wearing the scrubs.
Christina, Me & Leye

Good friends, Michaela and Christina both just graduated the UGA Vet program and are officially Veterinarians. Congratulations!! The bad news is, Michaela is moving to Massachusetts and Christina is going some town (I forgot the name) near Alabama.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Great Outdoors

So we really were not out in the middle of nowhere...obviously since we clearly lack hiking gear and basic survival necessities. We went to the State Botanical Gardens in Athens. Here we always enjoy the nature trails, the beautiful and rare flowers, and of course the sneezing from inhaling too much pollen.

Botanical Gardens

Saturday, April 17, 2010

The Next MasterCard Commercial

Miniature Slide = $10.
A cold beverage in a sippy cup = $2.
Having fun with your sister = PRICELESS!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!!

Grandpa and Uncle Adam came to visit us.
Hangin' with our Uncle
Chilling with Grandpa
The Easter Bunny brought Lexi an MP3 player. She felt pretty darn cool.