Saturday, October 31, 2009
Trick or Treat?
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Pre-K Halloween Party
I helped out at Alexis' school Halloween party. Alexis decided she wanted to be Cat In The Hat again this year. They had a parade around the school and the older kids gave them candy. Then the pre-kers went back to their classroom and made haunted houses out of milk cartons. They turned out really cute.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Mom's Gone Spooky
Julee, Melissa, and I went to La Parilla for some yummy Mexican food. It happened again...Julee and I were sitting at a table waiting for Melissa. About 15 minutes after we were suppose to meet, Melissa comes walking up from the table she was sitting at. This happened last time we went to La Parilla. We ate too much as usual and shared great conversation. Afterwards we went to the corn maze at Washington Farms. I was a little worried when they said it normally takes 1-1.5 hours to get through. It was pitch black and a huge corn maze. I am glad we stopped to get Julee's flashlight. We had so much fun. I kind of felt like I was a big kid again. We laughed so hard our sides hurt. I would run ahead of the girls and jump behind some corn and scare Melissa and Julee. There was also this thing you walk through called the Vortex. I don't know how to explain it other than you walk through like a Fun House at a carnival and get really dizzy. We went through the Vortex several times. On our way home, we found Gordon's scary Halloween mask in Julee's car and took turns wearing it as Julee got gas. All in all we had a blast!! It was fun letting loose and acting goofy.
What Time Is It...It's Cake Time!
All the kids checking out the new presents and fun toys!
The Witch Pinata
Isaac and his spooky green vampire teeth. p.s. this is his mom, Rachel's costume that she wore when she was little. Isn't it so cute?!?
Go Maggie Go!!! Maggie took a swing at the witch pinata. This thing was harder than a rock. Even the adults couldn't break it open. Finally, Dane and Rick took a knife to it before taking another swing at it. Finally the pinata burst open with candy and trinkets everywhere.
It's A Monster Mash
I downloaded some fun Halloween songs on my iPod. I found the original Monster Mash which is one of my favorite Halloween songs.
I am so happy everyone got really into dressing up in costume. I was scared at first I would be the only one dressed in costume but was stunned as each guest arrived, the costumes got more and more creative! We had a wizard, a witch, an Executive, zookeeper, batman, and more.
Halloween Birthday Party
We celebrated the girls birthday party a little late this year because we were moving during their birthday in September. We had a Halloween costume party and the girls were so excited to dress up. I can not believe Alexis is 5 and Isabelle is 2!! Where has the time gone? I have a feeling I will be surprised every year of their age. Time flies triple fast when you are a mom.
I went super creative with the party food. I made a pumpkin shaped cake, pumpkin shaped Rice Krispy treats, green punch, and witch fingers (which added a gross element to the table).
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
I'm Back and Blogging Strong
Well kinda. I am sorry I took a long hiatus from blogging. We have been very busy and life just took over leaving no extra time for much of any thing. Where do I start?
This fall Alexis started Pre-k full-time at St. Joseph's Catholic School and absolutely loves it! She easily adjusted to being a school girl. I am a volunteer Room Rep so I help coordinate all parties and special events. We just had our Fall Festival and a lot more went into planning that event then I would have ever imagined.
Alexis started soccer in September. She actually just had her last game on Monday. She enjoyed it and I think the running around was a great way for her to channel some of her extra energy but I am not quite convinced that organized sports are Alexis "thing". She likes to do things her way on her own time schedule. Either way, I will continue to offer new sports and activities to her and maybe she will find her niche.
Isabelle and I are in Toddler and Parent Gymnastics together. Isabelle absolutely loves Gymnastics. She is very active and athletic. She doesn't realize that she is not 6 years old. I sometimes wish I had her "no fear" concept on life. Isabelle is growing like a weed, literally! She just had her 2 yr check-up and is in the 75th percentile in height. She may just be taller than Alexis when she is older. Wouldn't that be something!?!
We also moved! As most of you know or should know by now. We are enjoying our new habitat very well. It is perfect for us! We have a family of deer that live in the woods behind our house and come into our yard multiple times a day to eat. We are feeding them corn. It is wonderful having a little bit of wildlife right outside our window.
Dane and I are both enjoying our jobs. Dane is still working at the Apt community where we used to live. I am still working PT for Dane's parents. The flexibility is wonderful because I have really enjoyed being so active in Alexis' school. We have gone on a few field trips and are preparing to have our Halloween party next week. Alexis says she will be Minnie Mouse and Izzie will be a Princess. I am still very involved in church. I was designated to be a co-spiritual in the next CRHP group of women so I will continue to lead them on their faith journey until their retreat in February. We get together every friday night. This process has been so fulfilling! I have learned so much about myself and most importantly have become much closer to God and having his presence in my life. I am still in school although I took this fall off so I could focus on the family but will resume next quarter. Not looking forward to the 6 math classes I have to take. Ugh! 2 college level maths, finance, and 3 Accounting classes. Other than that, those are the only classes I have left for my general ed. I kind of see a flicker of light at the end of the tunnel. After all of these grueling math courses I will transfer to the University of Georgia to finish my Business degree.
Dane continues to gain strength through boxing competitively at an amateur level. His last big fight in Doraville was the Georgia Games (an Olympic Qualifier event). There were a ton of people watching. Even Evander Holyfield watched Dane fight! Dane won the Gold and is currently rated #1 in the state of GA for his weight class. I am biased but he is very good! This is definitely a great way for Dane to channel all of his extra energy. (I sure wish I had some of his energy!) Dane has also volunteered a lot of his time to our church and to his men's bible study groups. He also dedicates many Saturdays cheering on the Georgia Bulldogs football team. We enjoy watching together.
That is everything in a very small nutshell. I will be posting lots and I mean lots of pictures in coming days. Stay tuned for the wonderful world of Lexie, Izzie, and Company. Love to all!!
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