Dane played Play Doh with Lexie and Izzie. I love watching Dane play with the girls. They have such a close relationship and absolutely adore their daddy. The girls had a puppet show for us. It was very entertaining watching Lexie use the finger puppets and Izzie pretending she was in the show herself. I love their imagination and creativity.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Puppet Shows and Play Doh
Dane played Play Doh with Lexie and Izzie. I love watching Dane play with the girls. They have such a close relationship and absolutely adore their daddy. The girls had a puppet show for us. It was very entertaining watching Lexie use the finger puppets and Izzie pretending she was in the show herself. I love their imagination and creativity.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Recycled Baby Shower For Melissa
I can't believe I didn't get a photo of Melissa. I was very disappointed in myself however I am sure she is relieved that I can't post photos of her on my blog. She looks amazing and her little pregnant belly is so cute.
Alexis and Isabelle were so excited to see AJ and Sebastian. Alexis talks about AJ all the time. She still doesn't understand that Fargo, ND is far away and they can not attend every play date with us. During their visit to GA, Erinn threw them a baby shower where we all brought hand-me-down baby items for Melissa's baby girl. I made a cake that said "It's A Girl", until the tin foil smeared it into, "I...Girl". Alexis picked out the pink frosting which was very fitting for the occasion. She also insisted that it was AJ's birthday and we needed candles. AJ and the rest of the kids enjoyed the candles and even singing Happy Birthday. It was very cute. I'll have to post the video that I have.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Kids Say The Darnest Things
Here are a couple pictures of Alexis putting one of Izzie's diapers on her baby doll. I was so impressed she knew exactly what to do without any help.
Now onto the funny story...
Alexis suddenly said her ear hurt and it went from it hurting to being unbearable. She was crying, pulling on her ear and saying it feels like water is in her ear. (No, this is not the funny part. Keep reading...) Her Pediatrician office of course could not see her until tomorrow. Waiting until tomorrow while my child is in pain is not an option. I took her to Reddy Urgent Care which is slowly becoming our regular doctor office at this point. I took Izzie there 2 weeks ago and this will be Alexis' 2nd visit in a month. When we were called back into the exam room, the Dr saw her and said, "Your back, I just saw you a couple weeks ago!" Let me back up a little bit to tell you the funny part of the story. The nurse calls us back. She is a really friendly, nice lady who happens to have a space between her 2 front teeth. Alexis looks at her and says, "You loose your teeth?" The nurse replied, "No, I was born with a space between my teeth." So Alexis naturally corrects her (because she knows everything) and says, "No, you lost your teeth right there." All while I am standing there mortified. The nurse was sweet and laughed about it. All I could say to Alexis was that everyone is different. I was totally unprepared.
Monday, February 23, 2009
What Were We Thinking? Tattoos!
So we were deciding on what to do while Ashley was in town. We were thinking what else...let's get a tattoo together. I know what you all are thinking. The answer is no, we were not under the influence. Ashley and I both have our own little collection of tattoos. This is #4 for me and I think #3 for her. The biggest question was where and what. We found this cool design online and went to a great tattoo artist that Dane knows. The design is in Japanese and means love. I especially like how he made the bottom into a heart. This is our matching friendship tattoo.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Afternoon At The Farm
We went to my brother in-law's farm this afternoon. We fed the horses treats, pet the new baby lamb, looked at the exotic birds, donkey, more horses in the field and stalls and had lots of photos taken with Niles the camel.
It has been really chilly in Georgia over the last week. I think the high has been in the 40s and 50s. It was difficult to do much outside especially with the baby. But I think they had fun at least I hope so.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Holding Baby Haylee
Ashley and baby Haylee came to visit. We all couldn't get enough of holding her. She is so cute! Isabelle was especially all about baby Haylee. Isabelle loves babies period. However she was not aware that you can not poke at real babies. I am so happy they came to stay with us. It's been over a year since I have seen Ashley. The last time was when we met in Savannah, GA and I was pregnant with Isabelle.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
FL Friends Visiting!
My new job title is officially Maid except I don't even get paid minimum wage. I have been cleaning, disinfecting, scrubbing, washing...our whole apt. We got our carpets cleaned this morning and they look brand new. It's nice when the house is not only picked up but really clean. Why all the cleaning you ask? My BFF from FL, Ashley and her baby Haylee are coming to visit tomorrow. They will be staying with us. Since her 4 month old will probably spend a fair amount of time on the floor, I figured the carpets should be cleaned. Plus, when we have house guests I like a sanitary place for them to stay. I should add that I am a neat freak any way so I guess this is no surprise to most.
Ashley and I have been friends for a very long time. She approached me when we were in the 3rd grade together and asked if I wanted to be her friend. The rest is history. She moved from Eagan, MN (where I lived) to Winter Springs, FL (just outside Orlando) when we were in 9th grade. But we managed to remain the best of friends even though most of our friendship has been long distance. We just take turns visiting each other. I consider her part of my family. She will be staying with me for just under a week so over the course of the next few days, I probably won't post on our blog much. I'll have to play blogger catch up next week.
Ashley and I have been friends for a very long time. She approached me when we were in the 3rd grade together and asked if I wanted to be her friend. The rest is history. She moved from Eagan, MN (where I lived) to Winter Springs, FL (just outside Orlando) when we were in 9th grade. But we managed to remain the best of friends even though most of our friendship has been long distance. We just take turns visiting each other. I consider her part of my family. She will be staying with me for just under a week so over the course of the next few days, I probably won't post on our blog much. I'll have to play blogger catch up next week.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Valentine's Party Playdate
We went over to Erinn's for what is becoming an annual Valentine's party playdate. The kids had a great time playing. Isabelle was obsessed with baby Ian (Keidy's son). (See photos)
We decorated heart shaped cookies, ate yummy pizza for lunch and enjoyed Erinn's homemade fortune cookies. Of course I forgot to take pictures until the very end of the playdate. Oh well.
After the playdate, I went over to my mother in-law's house to work while the girls napped. I had a short work day because I had to bring Alexis to her ballet class. She started coughing this afternoon. Not sure what that is all about. I thought we were all finally healthy. Geez!
I'll blame it on the weather. It's cold at night (30-40 degrees) and then warm during the day (70's).
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Just The Girls
Dane is in Birmingham, Alabama this week for work so it's just us girls. We have had a good time together. Tonight, we played countless rounds of 'Ring Around The Rosie'. It is a great way to tire the kiddos out. They went to bed immediately after their head touched their pillow.
This morning Alexis went to Gym 'n Learn or as we refer to it as her school. She loves it and looks forward to her class on Mondays and Wednesdays. She talks about her teachers, Miss Carrie and Miss Elizabeth (Lexie pronounces her name as Miss Elizabit) all the time. She said she learned about the letter S today. The first part of class is spent doing Gymnastics and the second half of class is spent learning preschool activities. This is a drop-off program, meaning I don't stay and participate. Since class is 2 hrs long and I live less than 10 minutes away, I usually go home and get stuff done around the apartment. I usually have Isabelle play in Lexie's room while Lexie is at school. Izzie's face is priceless. She gets so excited to be in Lexie's room all by herself. No one around to take toys away from her, yell at her, telling her 'No'...all of which Alexis does from time to time. You know~ all the typical older sister things. I'll put the gate up so Isabelle is contained to Lexie's room and I don't hear a peep out of her. She'll play quietly and happily for over an hour until it's time to go pick up Alexis. I'll peer my head around the corner to check on her and she'll be sitting on Lexie's bed, looking at books or playing in the toy box. I love watching the kids play when they don't know I'm watching. Oh to be a kid again...
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Marlin & Me
Marlin (our Great Dane) regularly likes to steal the lime light and any other ounce of attention that he can possibly obtain. So here is Marlin's 15 minutes of fame on the girl's blog. It's funny how so many people think he is such a big dog. I laugh because he is not that big in my eyes but then again I live with him. However, now that I am looking at these pictures, while Marlin is sitting, he is as tall as Lexie. I guess he is pretty big. He is our 'gentle giant'. He loves the girls, even when they climb on him, pull his ears and scares him with their loud, obnoxious toys. Something I find funny is when Marlin is laying on the floor, Lexie lines up all of her beanie babies to 'drink from Marlin's boo-boos' (as she explains what she is doing). I am not sure if she got this from the Animal Planet or from watching me when I used to nurse her baby sister. Sigh!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Finally Feeling Better
Here's an update...We are all finally feeling better at the Walthers' House. It was a long last few days. We all had colds and sinus infections and just feeling yucky. But we are back to good health. Hurray for that!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Princess Party
The Dentist Again...
This morning Alexis went to the Dentist and got her first cavity. She was given 'laughing gas' and did really good. Her Dentist was really impressed. We have been practicing the last few days with putting cups over her mouth and having her breathe in and also I would put my mini flashlight in her mouth and make a buzzing noise. I think she was well prepared for today's Dentist visit. Daddy came with just in case Alexis didn't do well or got scared. It turned out that we were just preparing for the worst but today's visit ended up being the best case scenario.
I have to report that we have been extremely good at flossing Alexis' teeth each night. Our goal is no cavities at her next visit in 6 months.
I have to report that we have been extremely good at flossing Alexis' teeth each night. Our goal is no cavities at her next visit in 6 months.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
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